Weight Loss Diet


What’s wrong with weight loss diets??

Diets are historically difficult to stay with because they cut out things we really like or we feel hungry all the time.  It is no wonder we get discouraged about losing weight.  Diet programs that prepare meals for us are a godsend for those of us who have difficulty staying on a diet.  The problem with them is that we have to buy their expensive food forever or face the prospect of gaining all those pounds back again.  Just look at some of the celebrity spokespeople.

Going on a diet implies that you have to give up food you like and cut back on the amount of food you eat.  But, when you are hungry or you stress out, your will power goes way, way down.  Then you eat.  Then you feel guilty.  Think about your reaction when you don’t follow your diet.

Your thoughts may go something like this…

“What’s the use, I’m never going to be skinny anyway!”

“There has to be something wrong with me!”

“Why do I lack self control?”

“I screwed up again!”

“Am I just a loser?”

“Who cares how I look anyway?”

and the granddaddy(?) of them all,

“I’m happy with the way I look!”

And then what do you DO?

Of course YOU EAT! It’s like a trigger…an emotional trigger that you can’t resist.

The real secret to lasting weight loss is a combination of a good diet and exercise.  One without the other makes it difficult to lose weight and almost impossible to keep it off.  But it is not as hard as you think. Your diet can be satisfying and the exercise is as hard as you want it to be.

Exercise is necessary to keep the energy levels up, tone the body and help increase our confidence.  But this page is about weight loss diets, and I like food that helps me feel full and tastes good.  I like protein and I found a diet I can live with “Anabolic Cooking”.

Anabolic diets have been used by bodybuilders and fitness buffs for decades.  Think about this, when was the last time you saw a fat bodybuilder or fitness buff?

Let’s face the facts, even if you are on the best weight loss program there is, the fat will not fall off your body, your metabolism will not increase by itself and  your muscles won’t tone up all by themselves.  But what if you could eat well, enjoy the diet and lose weight all at the same time?

Food is necessary to make your muscles grow and burn off that stubborn belly fat. Nutritious food in the right quantities must be eaten or even the most intense workout or cardio exercise you do will be worthless.  And you have to do something to take the edge off your hunger.  It is really as simple as that.

What’s  wrong with diets?  The truth is, nothing. But, why waste your time and money buying a cookbook.  Most people never do anything with the products they buy, so most of the time, their typical results are zero. The biggest factor in changing your life is you. If you are willing to commit to losing weight and are committed to doing what is necessary to lose weight (and get fit) then pick one and go for it.  Don’t use any other supplements than your doctor recommends. Don’t believe the infomercials for stupid ab or weight loss products.

There are no miracle pill or potion that will make you lose excess weight and get a body you’ll be proud to show off. You’re the one that will make this happen. Step up to the plate, get committed and make it happen!