Losing Weight – The Fun Of Getting Thin


How To Be Happy And Reduce The Waist Line At The Same Time

Exercise For The Best Results. It doesn't have to be ridiculously hard but it has to be consistent
Exercise For The Best Results. It doesn’t have to be ridiculously hard but you do have to be consistent

There are dozens of reasons why most of us are fighting the bulge. Sedentary jobs and an endless supply of fast and processed food makes it so easy and effortless to put on weight that most of us get heavy without giving it a second thought. The only thing we wonder about is how we got there in the first place.

There are many ways to lose weight and get fit.  There are hundreds of plans, pills and techniques available that can help us get lighter and stronger.  Many of them promise, even guarantee, to make you look better and feel stronger easily and without much effort – or your money back.

The key is that most of them want our money to make it work. But, very few will tell you how really difficult it is to follow a program and lose weight.

The excuses for being heavy and out of shape are almost as plentiful as the  promise to help us lose weight and get in shape but, there are far fewer good reasons (not excuses) that people may be overweight: “Big boned” is a term I’ve heard occasionally.

Being heavy could be genetic.  There are some people who have a tendency toward being heavy and there may be some medical conditions that cause people to retain fat.  So, it may not be entirely your fault.

The most common reason is simply because we like to eat.  We eat too much or we are not active enough to burn off what we eat. Eating is something we have to do but some of us eat a lot more than we need to.

Eating a lot becomes a habit and when you try to change that habit by eating less, your body lets you know in an instant. We have to be strong enough to reject the agony our body will put us through to lose weight and keep it off.

An excerpt from a book I recently read, “The Fun Of Getting Thin”, written by a rather cynical guy, sums it up nicely: “The theory of taking off fat is the simplest theory in the world. It is announced, in four words: Stop eating and drinking. The practice of fat reduction is the most difficult thing in the world. Its difficulties are comprehended in two words: You cannot. The flesh is willing, but the spirit is weak. The success of the undertaking lies in the triumph of the will over the appetite.”

It’s a great little book, only 18 pages, sixteen if you don’t count the title and contents pages, that chronicles one guy’s personal journey from fat to fit. The unique thing about this book is that it was published in 1912, 106 years ago.  Apparently, the problems we’re concerned with have been around for a very long time. It’s a good read, and get a copy for yourself.

Time and thousands upon thousands of people have proven that losing weight is an ordeal of the most grievous kind. And, if you’re with that group of people, you won’t be happy until you learn how to lose weight effectively, make a plan and then find the motivation to make it work for you.

The sad fact is, while it’s easy to put weight on, there is no easy way to take it off. Many people will try many different diets and pills without ever realizing that there is only one way that really works. It doesn’t matter what kind of diet you go on or what program you join, there is still only one way to successfully lose weight. It’s all a matter of proportion and having the will power to stick with it.

And the fact is.. we won’t be happy until we figure it out, lose the weight and learn how to keep it off.